Love the Process

Working on my first ever website is kinda challenging. Several factors helped in getting it done and made easy.

1. Attitude
Most guru and books teaches on keeping your eye on the goal. Begin with the end in mind. This are good sounding teachings but there's a downside to that. When your goal seemed far fetched or you encounter some problems. there's a chance that you'll give up. Having the right focus on the process, better yet loving the process. it will get you going.

2. Aerial Support

Friend who knows what you are doing and can walk you through the process patiently. Tech support from a reliable source like my host with a 24/7 customer service. and a love one who gives you time to work and respect that you know what you are doing.   You don't need a bunch. One -solid-knowledgeable-patient support is all you need.

3. Internet connection anywhere and anytime you need and other basics

4. Coffee

5.Strong Belief
      on what you are doing is worth your while." For the greater good!?" 
"World domination!!!?". If you having a strong "Why?" , the  "How?" will be easier.
 as always.....Stay Sharp
